CuroCell iA®
DYNAMIC AIR MATTRESS Gentle Alternating Low Pressure (GALP) for individualized care.
CuroCell® IQ
DYNAMIC AIR MATTRESS For clinical efficiency and patient safety while also freeing up valuable time for healthcare providers.
CuroCell® A4
DYNAMIC AIR MATTRESS Pulsating Mode™ for clinical efficiency in combination with a user-friendly interface.
CuroCell® A4 Plus
DYNAMIC AIR MATTRESS For individuals between 160 kg and 454 kg. Pulsating Mode™ for clinical efficiency and a user-friendly interface.
CONSTANT LOW PRESSURE MATTRESS Overlay mattress for pressure redistribution and comfort.
CONSTANT LOW PRESSURE MATTRESS Replacement mattress for pressure redistribution and comfort.
IQ Cirrus
HYBRID MATTRESS Combines dynamic movements with the comfort of the foam.
HYBRID MATTRESS Combining foam and air cells to provide enhanced pressure redistribution, support, and comfort.
Optimal 5zon®
Preventative foam mattress with our patented DuoCore®
Optimal 5zon® Plus
Preventative foam mattress with our patented DuoCore®
Optimal 5zon® BM
Preventative foam mattress overlay
Optimal Mattress Cover
Optimal Cura
Preventative foam mattress
Optimal Care
Preventative foam mattress
Curera® Consept EX Seat Cushion
Comfortable Seat Cushion
Curera® Consept Seat Cushion
Comfortable Seat Cushion
Curera® Consil Seat Cushion
Pressure redistribution seat cushion
Curera® Contur EX Seat Cushion
Comfortable seat cushion
Curera® Contur Seat Cushion
Comfortable and popular seat cushion
CuroCell S.A.C.
Air seat cushion for support & comfort
Curera® Levelling plate
Can be used with all Curera® seat cushions apart from Tremix which already has this function.
Optimal Evacuation Sheet
Molly Heel Protection
Designed to relieve heels
Optimal Hygiene Pillow
Curera® Triangle Pillow
Pillow for leg support
Curera® Torso Support Pillow
Pillow for torso support in sitting position
Curera® Support Wedge
For positioning & position changing
Curera® S-Pillow
Pillow for semi-prone position & 30° side lying position
Curera® Rectangular Pillow
Pillows to provide support in multiple positions
Curera® Positioning Roll
All-round pillow for relief & positioning
Curera® Neck Pillow
Pillow to stabilize and support the head
Curera® Multi Pillow
A versatile pillow for knee and heel support
Curera® Leg/Knee Seperator
Curera® Ear Pillow
For support and relief of sensitive ears
Curera® Back Pillow
Pillow with wing for lateral positioning/side support
Curera® Abduction Pillow
Pillow for leg abduction
Curera® Curved Pillow
Pillow for torso support in sitting and lying position
3 m-tubing kit
For easy access and increased independence