Optimal Cura
Preventative mattress replacement with good pressure distribution
Optimal Cura is used as an aid in the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers up to and including category 2(1). It is a mattress replacement, used in all types of healthcare environments.
Optimal Cura is a two layer support surface where the top layer is made from visco-elastic foam (so called memory foam) and the bottom layer is made from HR foam. The design of the support surface and the materials gives good pressure equalisation. The two layers allows the body to sink into the material, and thereby lower the pressure against the body.
Optimal Cura is manufactured with modern and sustainable materials, meeting healthcare requirements for hygiene, quality and safety(3)(4).
Covers for comfort and hygiene
The support surface is supplied with a liquidproof hygiene cover for easy cleaning.
The liquidproof hygiene cover is manufactured in a four-way stretch(5)(3) fabric to reduce the risk of shear forces, and is vapour-permeable(2) to lower the risk of skin maceration. The hygiene cover also features a liquidproof zipper.
Technical specification
Cleaning instructions
Machine wash max 95 °C, tumble drying.
IFU and Product Sheet
(1) European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline. The International Guideline. Emily Haesler (Ed). EPUAP/NPIAP/PPPIA: 2019
(2) SS-EN ISO 15496:2004, DIN 53122-1.
(3) SS 876 00 20:2017, Healthcare textiles – Mattresses – Specifications and requirements.
(4) Sveriges Regioner och Kommuner, 2021. Vårdhandboken: Vård och behandling. https://www.vardhandboken.se/vard-och-behandling/hud-ochsar/trycksar/atgarder-for-att-forebygga/ (2021-04-07).
(5) CDC (2003), Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care facilities, updated 2019.