Patient in hospital bed
How can I tell when the mattresses need to be replaced?
2020-03-30 News

How are your mattresses doing?

Lying on old and worn out mattresses can have a very negative impact on the body and could even give rise to pressure ulcers. As the foam in the mattress shiftes and ages beyond its techical lifespan, the structure changes and eventually, the foam could ”collapse”.

To counteract this, it is very important to know how old the mattresses being used really are. On Care of Sweden’s mattresses and covers there is always a date stamp where you can read the date of manufacture. However, how a mattress has been used and how it’s been stored can also have an impact on the expected lifespan.

By conducting regular mattress audits with the intention of checking the condition of the mattress, you can take stock of the status of your mattresses so that you can discard and replace these at an early stage. This in turn, contributes to a better health economy as well as reduced suffering for the user.

How do I know when it’s time to replace a mattress?

We’ll guide you step-by-step! Please use one of our protocols to support you through the audit.

1. Begin the audit. Begin by localizing the date stamp on the cover to identify it’s age and other product information. Open the cover and localize a similar date stamp on the actual foam. The cover might have been changed at some point, meaning it’s age might be different compared to the cover.

2. Inspect the cover. Are there any holes, stains, or other visible damage to the cover? Let a light source shine through the cover to easier inspect the inside.

3. Inspect the foam. Begin by removing the cover. Inspect the foam for any obvious damage to the foam like holes, moisture or stains. Fold up the foam to inspect both sides.

4. Examine the composition. Is it possible to feel the bottom of the mattress with your hands? Cup your hands and use the weight of your body to push your hands into the foam. Begin a the end of the mattress and work your way up.

5. Finish the inspection. Put the cover back on and write your notes in the protocol. If the mattress needs to be discared it is important that this is marked in a clear and explicit way.

Discover more benefits of mattress audits

Regular mattress audits can contribute to reduced suffering, quality of life and better comfort for the user. Click the button below to access our report that contains results and conclusions from our work with matress audits.