Care of Sweden presents The Lunch Race 2019!
As we now move towards darker times, it becomes more difficult to catch the daylight in the south part of Sweden where we are located. Catching some daylight in the middle of the day, in combination with continuous physical activity has, according to research, proven to have a very strong connection with feeling and performing well. Therefore, we want to give our employees the opportunity for a moment in the daylight, as well as a push in the right direction to achieve the physical activity that is recommended daily.
The recipe to motivate all employees is simply called: The Lunch Race! Until the 6th of December, we challenge each other in walking the most power walks during our lunch break. The powerwalk has to last for 20 minutes to count.
As a warm-up for the Lunch Race, we also participated in a running event this Saturday, called Kretsloppet. We’re not only protecting our health but we also have a great commitment to environmental issues, which is further strengthened by the fact that we are once again certified according to the requirements set in the environmental management system ISO 14001. Therefore, we see the running event as a fantastic opportunity to combine both health and the environment.
It was a cheerful bunch of co-workers with orange T-shirts that was standing on the starting line this Saturday, ready to run or walk a track of five or ten kilometers. An effort to benefit both body and environment. All participants crossed the finish line where we together stood as winners.
Now it remains to be seen who wins first place in Care of Sweden’s first edition of the Lunch Race 2019!